Dreadout game walkthrough
Dreadout game walkthrough

dreadout game walkthrough

Go along the path, then you will see a small tunnel on you're right. While going out the door don't forget to pick up the second mysticle item, the ring. Pick them up and go out of the train wagon. If your done dealing with it, you can finally get Linda's stuff back. If you was fast enough then it will disappear right before you touch the closed door with you back. It takes quite a lot of photos to take it down so make the shots as fast as you can while moving back. But be careful a bigger one craws into the wagon and start's slowly waking towards you. So zoom in and make a picture about them, what will scare them away. But now that you have a camera, you can finally get the phone and the bag back. In the meantime flashes can be seen from the next train wagon and as it turns out the little thief creatures using Linda's phone. Pick it up and read the text what tells you that the camera has a zoom (mouse wheel) and flash function (F button). But the corp is there and in front of it, you will find your new gadget, a camera. She then waked up by a dead corp, but it seems to be just Linda's imagination. After a few steps Linda will fall down and apperently asleep. So slowly but surly let's start walking out of the train. The debris buries the door and Linda falls to her knees as she suffers by the pain of losing one of her friends and seeing him die right in front of her.Įven tought in a sad moment like this, no one wants to hear it, but you have to keep moving. After she gets away by crawing into the next wagon, the ghost killes Doni by braking his neck. It turns out that Doni is possessed by an evil ghost and he tries to kill Linda. Now get into the train and a cutscreen starts. Just go along the path, at about half way you will see rails on the ground, follow them and you will find a train. (He chooses the fast way, through the wall!) So after the cutscreen end it's time to run again. It doesn't take too much time for Doni to get to us again. (By the way, this is the most unstable house ever. One of the little thief creatures appears too with Linda's phone in its hand, but it gets away. All you have to do is get to the other side of the house and ultimately out of it. Linda runs into the house and her now evil friend follows her. (And Linda brokes the umbrella on his head! Guys don't try to scare this girl, because at the end you will be the one who's crying.)Īfter this little fight, you get into an interactive cutscreen. After a few steps you will get to a little bit bigget place whit a house ahead. Go back outside and continue your journey. There also a mysticle figure on the table, pick it up to make Linda's abililies stronger. (Probably painted with blood.) It's a good idea to make a picture about it, because it kind of helps to figure out a puzzle later on. There is scary looking figure on the wall. Go into the house and into its only room. Turn left and start walking until you find a small house on your right with some light coming through its open door. And you recognize it's just an other dark place. And you've just got a new weapon, an umbrella! (Seriusly I have no clue what to do with it.)Īs Linda locks the door and grabs the umbrella, you get back control and have a chance to look around.

dreadout game walkthrough

Linda will close the door with an umbrella and pick up the other one. Just run until you find a house, go through it and open the double glass door on its other site. While you run he will get sou once or twice, but don't worry. It seems something is off about him and there's only one thing you can do. Or maybe he isn't that friendly as he was before?Īs you try to interack with him (press E) he attacks you. After a right turn you will finally find your old friend Doni. They open the gate and disapper in the distance. And they've just stole your phone and bag. You can try to scare them away, but after a while there will be too many of them and they will start grab onto you.Īs it turns out there little creatures are not murderers, but thieves. During you explore the area, a little creature appers followed by a lot. Up ahead is a closed gate next to stands and on the right there's a bus. Go through there to get to the next area. If you take a look to the left, you will notice, that a part of the fence is missing. So let's start (continue) Linda's journey! Let's start walking until you reach the end of the stone path. The Act 2 starts where the previous one ended, just outside of the school. Note: (If you choose this act in the menu instead of playing through the whole game again, then you have every collectabe item from Act 1 in your inventory.)

Dreadout game walkthrough